

Here you will find an overview of various conditions regarding your luggage. Maximum weight, size, special requirements for prams, what to do in case of lost luggage etc. 

Luggage Allowance

With LOW flight tickets you can bring one piece of checked luggage for free with a maximum weight of 23 kg. In addition, you can bring one piece of hand luggage (maximum weight 8 kg) free of charge.

With a FLEX or FLEX+ flight ticket, you can bring two pieces of checked luggage free of charge weighing a maximum of 23 kg each in addition to hand luggage.

Luggage allowance: 


CHILD (2-11 Y.O.)

INFANT (0 - 1 Y.O)


1 x 23 kg bag

1 x 23 kg bag

1 x 23 kg bag


2 x 23 kg bags

2 x 23 kg bags

1 x 23 kg bag


2 x 23 kg bags

2 x 23 kg bags

1 x 23 kg bag

Excess baggage:

One extra piece (23 kg) when booking online up to three hours before departure

249 DKK

One extra piece (23 kg) when checking in at the airport

350 DKK

Heavy bag (23,1 - 32 kg)

+250 DKK

One extra piece (23 kg) when booking online up to three hours before departure


One extra piece (23 kg) when checking in at the airport


Heavy bag (23,1 - 32 kg)


Hand luggage (carry-on)

Maximum measurement: (55x40x25cm) Weight: 8 kg + laptop bag

If the amount of hand luggage exceeds the capacity onboard, we reserve the right to relocate some of the luggage to the cargo hold of the aircraft. Extra hand luggage or oversized hand luggage may be taken from the passengers at check-in. It will be weighed, marked with the destination of the passenger and placed in the cargo hold with the rest of the luggage.

Read this before you pack your hand luggage (carry-on):

Containers, tubes, cans and the like can contain max. 100 ml. each. You can bring 1 liter of liquids or similar in hand luggage.

All containers must be packed in a transparent, 1 liter bag that can be opened and closed.

Liquids include: gel, makeup, perfume, toothpaste, water, shaving cream etc. If in doubt, ask at the airport before departure.

You are allowed to carry medication you require during the flight in containers larger than 100 ml. However, we recommend that you bring a medical certificate confirming that you need the medicine.

Food / liquid for babies is also allowed on the flight. 

Baby food / liquid, diet and medicine must also be packaged in the transparent 1 liter bags that can be opened and closed. These can be subject to additional control by airport security staff.

PLEASE NOTE: Always bring medicine with you in the hand luggage to make sure you have access to it in case of any delays.

Guidelines for checked bags

We recommend that all luggage be marked with the name and telephone number of the passenger. Luggage must be packed in a way that it can withstand normal luggage handling. The luggage must be able to withstand touching other luggage on the baggage conveyor belt and to be loaded in and out of the aircraft.

Passengers are personally responsible for packing the checked luggage in such a way that the contents remain unharmed. According to the Montreal Convention, the passenger is responsible for any damage caused by the airline if the luggage is packed recklessly, for example, if a bottle containing liquid breaks and causes damage to other luggage.

Checked bags

We do not accept luggage that weighs more than 32 kg/piece. The weight limit does not apply to electronic wheelchairs and other specific luggage that cannot be taken apart. For example diving equipment, large instruments or living animals in the cargo hold.

We recommend that the items mentioned below not be included in the checked luggage due to the restricted damage liability in the case of lost or damaged luggage:
Do not include valuables such as: money, jewellery, computers/equipment, gaming equipment, camera/video camera and mobile phone.

Fragile Items:

Glas and bottles

Perishable food



Working papers

Identification papers

Medicine and prescriptions

Restricted bags

It is the responsibility of the passenger to ensure that the luggage does not contain anything that could endanger or damage the aircraft and people or cargo onboard the aircraft. Some such items are listed on the international list of dangerous good under the heading “Mere om forbudte genstande” on the webpage of the Danish Ministry of Transportation, Trafikstyrelsen.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of the passenger to ensure that the luggage is sensibly packed and does not contain banned items.

Lithium Batteries:

Atlantic Airways follows the IATA guidelines on transportation of lithium batteries. Learn more about the regulations here.

Please note that for safety reasons, carrying Personal Movement Devices (PMD) with lithium batteries (e.g. hoverboard, solo wheels, segway etc.) is not allowed. Any such items must be transported as freight.

Electronic cigarettes are not allowed onboard Atlantic Airways’ aircraft. They must be placed in the hand luggage during the flight. The same applies to electronic pipes and cigars.


If you are travelling with a child, you are allowed to bring a pram/pushchair as checked luggage without any extra charge. This has no impact on the childs´ baggage allowance of 23 kg.

If it is possible to disassemble the pram/pushchair, you must do so. Pack each part in a plastic bag or other forms of protection. You can purchase special plastic bags at the Atlantic Airways office at the airport for the price DKK 40/piece.

Please note that only prams/pushchairs may be packed in these bags.

Car seats

If you wish to bring a car seat onboard for your infant, you have to order a child flight ticket for your infant and hence pay the fare that applies to children between the ages 2-11. The car seat either forward or backwards into the seat next to yours. When you order a ticket for a car seat, please contact Customer Service at +298 34 10 00.

If you check-in your car seat it is free of charge.


Our best advice is to pack the bicycle into a bicycle bag or suitcase. No registration is needed in advance! If you are travelling without a bicycle bag, you must turn the bicycle handlebar one quarter, take off the pedals and let the air out of the tires. The bicycle will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Electric bicycles are considered dangerous goods and are not allowed on the flight.

Special luggage 

Below you will find information on how to travel with special luggage such as dicing equipment, skis, musical instruments etc.

Import and Export of Plants, Seeds and Plant Products

The Danish Agricultural Agency is responsible for border inspections of live plants, forest reproductive materials, and plant products. Please read more HERE

Diving equipment

Diving equipment may include a diving cylinder (empty), a regulator and octopus set, a tank harness, a facemask, fins, a snorkel and a diving light (light and battery must be separated).
Diving equipment will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Fishing equipment

Fishing rods must be placed in a shockproof cylinder. Fishing equipment will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Golf bag

The golf bag may contain a maximum of 14 golf clubs, 12 golf balls and one pair of golf shoes. The golf bag will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are allowed inside the cabin if the measurements do not exceed maximum hand luggage measurements (55 x 40 x 23 cm) and weigh no more than 8 kg.
If you would like to bring a musical instrument that exceeds these measurements (maximum 140 x 46 x 30 cm) into the cabin, please contact our Customer Service. You will have to book an extra seat for the musical instrument in addition to your ticket at the same time.
If you check in the musical instrument, it must be packed in a hardcase and will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Paintings and Works of Art

Paintings that do not exceed the maximum allowed measurements (55 x 40 x 25) can be brought into the cabin. Larger paintings must be packed securely if they are to be transported in the cargo hold. The luggage will be placed on the baggage conveyor belt in the arrival hall. Paintings transported in the cargo hold will be considered as one piece of luggage.


Ski equipment must be securely wrapped. Ski equipment will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Water skis

One pair of standard skis, one pair of slalom skis or one wakeboard are allowed per ski bag. The equipment will be considered as one piece of luggage.


Kiteboards with sail and other equipment must be packed into one bag. Each bag will be considered as one piece of luggage.

Windsurfing/Hang Glider

One windsurfing board, one sail and one beam must be packed in one bag. The equipment will be considered as one piece of luggage.


Atlantic Airways always transports wheelchairs without charge. To ensure that you get the help that you need, we urge you to register the wheelchair when you book your flight ticket no later than 48 hours prior to departure. Find more information concerning travelling with reduced mobility HERE.

Live animals (Schengen)

Atlantic Airways accepts live animals (only cats and dogs) for travel in the cargo hold or the cabin under special conditions. Passengers travelling with animals must check-in at least 1 hour prior to departure.

Atlantic Airways is not responsible for ensuring that animals have the necessary travel documents, such as domestic or international licenses, health certificate or other necessary travel documents in connection with the transportation of the animal to or through any other country. The passengers are liable to pay any fine or additional charge the airline receives in connection with travelling with animals.

Atlantic Airways recommends all passengers travelling with cats/dogs to contact a veterinarian to ensure that the animal is fit to fly. Atlantic Airways does not have veterinarians available at any airport or during flights.

Passengers travelling with the animals must fill out THIS FORM. The form must be handed to check-in at departure.

Non-Schengen: live animals travelling to Great Britain must be shipped as cargo.

Animal transport in the cabin

Small pets (cats and dogs) are allowed in the cabin under special conditions. Animals that can be transported in the cargo hold are not approved for transportation inside the cabin. The cabin is limited to transport two animals per flight. Therefore it is necessary to inform us if you are planning on travelling with the animals in the cabin.

Two animals are allowed in the same cage provided that the animals are very familiar to each other in advance. The animals must be transported in an IATA approved crate. Maximum allowed weight for animal and crate is 8 kg with the maximum measurements 40 x 25 x 23 cm.

We recommend the so-called “sherpa bag” which is flexible in size. The external measurements may be bigger than the size of the crate if it can be compressed within the maximum measurements while simultaneously allowing the animal enough room within the crate. Sherpa bags can be purchased in most pet shops.

Animals travelling in the cabin will be considered as one piece of luggage.

PLEASE NOTE! A charge of DKK 199 applies per animal travelling in the cabin.

Animal transport in cargo hold

This type of transport is limited to two animals per flight. Two animals are allowed in the same cage provided that the animals are very familiar to each other in advance. Maximum weight is 14 kg per animal if transported in the same crate. Animals that do not live up to this criteria must travel in separate crates. Animals (cats and dogs) travelling in the cargo hold must be at least 8 weeks old-

PLEASE NOTE! The animal must stay in the crate from check-in until pick-up at the arrival airport.

Crates for animals in the cargo hold: You are responsible for obtaining an IATA approved transport crate designated for pets. Steel cages are not allowed. The crate must be made from solid material in addition to being waterproof and clean. The crate must be large enough to allow the animal to stand upright, turn around and lay down in a natural position. We recommend that the passengers secure the door of the crate with plastic strips prior to check-in and to check that the crate is intact. Damaged crates will be rejected at check-in.

Maximum crate measurements are 150 x 70 x 70 cm (LxWxH). The weight limit of 32 kg does not apply when the animals are transported in the cargo hold. The crate must be marked with the mobile phone number of the owner in a place visible at all times.

NO WHEELS. If the crate has wheels, they must be removed or secured with tape in such a way that the crate cannot roll backwards and forwards.

Animals travelling in the cargo hold will be considered as one piece of luggage.

PLEASE NOTE! A charge of DKK 399 applies per animal travelling in the cargo hold.


Firearms must be checked-in and need to be booked and approved when you buy your ticket. Passengers must notify the check-in personnel at the airport that they wish to check-in weapons as luggage.

There is a fee of DKK 249 each way for the transportation of weapons.

If you are traveling with weapons and ammunition, you must always provide information concerning the following:

That you have a valid firearms certificate

That the weapon is not loaded

That the weapon, if possible, is disassembled and every individual part is packed in separate bags that are checked-in

Ammunition are considered dangerous goods and must be kept in their original packaging which protects against hard shocks

The ammunition must be packed together with the most vital part of the weapon or separately in a checked-in bag. (You may not travel with more than 5 kg of ammunitions)


Private carriage of food to Denmark and the EU.

In 2004 the regulations concerning the private importation of food to Denmark and the rest of the EU were made more strict.

On the webpage of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration under “Private Import of Food,” you will find the rules for importation of food into Denmark and the EU.

Fish and fishery products, including, e.g. dried and fermented fish: unlimited amount
Lamb, beef and other food: maximum 5 kg

Faroese citizens are not allowed to import or send Faroese meat products to any other EU countries besides Denmark. We recommend that you contact the authorities of the country in to which you plan to import or send food concerning conditions and policies.

Missing or damaged luggage


If the luggage did not make it on to the aircraft or if the luggage has been damaged, please notify Baggage Service at the destination airport immediately. (Remember to report any damages within 7 days after arrival.)

If the luggage has not been found, an inquiry will be made. The inquiry is assigned a reference number. Get your reference number by calling Atlantic Airways at +298 34 10 00.

Follow the progress of your missing luggage
Follow the progress of your missing luggage by clicking the button below. (Opens in a new window)

PLEASE NOTE! Put the reference number that is dispensed to you, under “file reference,” your last name under “name,” and click on “submit.”

Luggage left onboard
Please contact the terminal at +298 34 10 00 or by email [email protected] and describe in detail what you have left behind, what time it happened and the number of the aircraft.